Alphabetical list of cognitive, perceptual, and affective biases, illusions, and fallacies
- The Critical Thinker's Dictionary
- Natural Thinking: A case study
- ad hoc hypothesis
- ad hominem
- ad populum
- affect bias
- anchoring effect
- anecdotal evidence
- apophenia and pareidolia
- appeal to authority
- appeal to tradition
- argumentum ad ignoratiam
- attribution biases
- availability bias
- backfire effect
- begging the question
- bias blind spot
- causal fallacies
- change blindness
- classical conditioning and placebo effect
- clustering illusion
- cognitive dissonance
- communal reinforcement
- confabulation
- confirmation bias
- continued influence effect
- control group study
- experimenter effect
- fallacies, informal
- false implication
- false memories
- Forer effect
- halo effect
- hindsight bias
- ideomotor effect
- illusion of control
- illusion of justice
- illusion of skill
- illusion of understanding
- inattentional blindness
- intentionality bias
- law of truly large numbers
- logical fallacies
- loss aversion
- magical thinking
- motivated reasoning
- negativity bias
- Occam's razor
- optimistic bias
- placebo effect
- positive-outcome bias
- post hoc fallacy
- priming effect
- recency bias
- regressive fallacy
- representativeness bias
- selection bias
- self-deception
- shoehorning
- straw man fallacy
- subjective validation
- suppressed evidence
- testimonials
- wishful thinking
- wisdom of not thinking too much